Тест по английскому языку - Ta’lim / Образование

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Тест по английскому языку

Ўзбек тилида ўқиш

Английский язык – это наиболее распространенный язык общения в мире, и поэтому неудивительно, что так много людей хотят научиться говорить по-английски. Без сомнения, на занятиях английского языка Вы узнаете много интересного ведь это родной язык значительного количества жителей нескольких стран — англичан (официальный язык Великобритании), большей части жителей США (официальный язык тридцати одного штата), один из двух официальных языков Ирландии (наряду с ирландским), Канады (наряду с французским) и многих других стран. Говорящих на английском языке в лингвистике называют англофонами.

1. Choose the appropriate articles. We`ll go by ... train to ... place called Dochester. It`s a long way, and there isn`t ... bus service there.
2. How many children ____ they ____ ?
3. Choose the antonym to the underlined word. Where is your little sister?
4. Choose the best question. She slammed the door and left the room very angrily.
5. My friends went ____ a cycling tour last week.
6. Choose the best answer. - Do you like David? - ... .
7. You must work hard ____ your English.
8. At ____ first they began to look for ____ dry place.
9. He spends his time ____ the banks of the river.
10. Choose the appropriate articles. I`d like to enter ... teachers` training college, I love ... children.
11. The house is 50 meters ____ the sea.
12. On ____ bright January morning ____ telephone kept ringing in my office.
13. On ____ first day they stopped at ____ river and decided to make ____ camp.
14. Choose the antonym to the underlined word. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
15. Choose the pair of antonyms.
16. New York is ____ Paris.
17. She came ____ the garage.
18. Choose the appropriate word(s). ... people sleep outside in the streets in many countries.
19. The teacher explained the new rule ____ the pupils and they listened ____ her attentively.
20. Prague is one of the ____ cities in Europe.
21. We are very busy ____ weekdays.
22. Choose the appropriate form of the verb. Little boys love playing in the mud, ... through puddles, and ... very dirty.
23. Choose the appropriate form of the verb. Professor: You can`t sleep in my class. Student: If you ... so loud I ... .
24. A country is quieter ____ a city.
25. You are ____ me.


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