Тест по английскому языку - Ta’lim / Образование

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Тест по английскому языку

Ўзбек тилида ўқиш

Английский язык – это наиболее распространенный язык общения в мире, и поэтому неудивительно, что так много людей хотят научиться говорить по-английски. Без сомнения, на занятиях английского языка Вы узнаете много интересного ведь это родной язык значительного количества жителей нескольких стран — англичан (официальный язык Великобритании), большей части жителей США (официальный язык тридцати одного штата), один из двух официальных языков Ирландии (наряду с ирландским), Канады (наряду с французским) и многих других стран. Говорящих на английском языке в лингвистике называют англофонами.

1. Choose the appropriate form of the verb. Professor: You can`t sleep in my class. Student: If you ... so loud I ... .
2. On ____ first day they stopped at ____ river and decided to make ____ camp.
3. Choose the antonym to the underlined word. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
4. He spends his time ____ the banks of the river.
5. Choose the appropriate articles. I`d like to enter ... teachers` training college, I love ... children.
6. A country is quieter ____ a city.
7. You must work hard ____ your English.
8. You are ____ me.
9. At ____ first they began to look for ____ dry place.
10. Choose the pair of antonyms.
11. We are very busy ____ weekdays.
12. Choose the appropriate word(s). ... people sleep outside in the streets in many countries.
13. How many children ____ they ____ ?
14. Choose the appropriate form of the verb. Little boys love playing in the mud, ... through puddles, and ... very dirty.
15. Prague is one of the ____ cities in Europe.
16. The teacher explained the new rule ____ the pupils and they listened ____ her attentively.
17. Choose the best question. She slammed the door and left the room very angrily.
18. She came ____ the garage.
19. Choose the appropriate articles. We`ll go by ... train to ... place called Dochester. It`s a long way, and there isn`t ... bus service there.
20. Choose the best answer. - Do you like David? - ... .
21. On ____ bright January morning ____ telephone kept ringing in my office.
22. The house is 50 meters ____ the sea.
23. Choose the antonym to the underlined word. Where is your little sister?
24. My friends went ____ a cycling tour last week.
25. New York is ____ Paris.


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