Онлайн тест по лексике английского языка - Ta’lim / Образование

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Онлайн тест по лексике английского языка

Ўзбек тилида ўқиш

Английский язык – самый распространенный язык общения в мире, поэтому неудивительно, что так много людей хотят научиться говорить по-английски.


Без сомнения, на занятиях английского языка Вы узнаете много интересного ведь это родной язык значительного количества жителей нескольких стран — англичан (официальный язык Великобритании), большей части жителей США (официальный язык тридцати одного штата), один из двух официальных языков Ирландии (наряду с ирландским), Канады (наряду с французским) и многих других стран. Говорящих на английском языке в лингвистике называют англофонами.

Предлагаем Вам пройти тест на знание и употребление лексики английского языка.
Проверьте свой словарный запас английского!

1. She lives near me I often speak to her on my ... to work.
2. He`s intelligent but he ... common sense.
3. The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too ... .
4. If you have any ... concerning this report, please phone the Office.
5. She has to work hard to keep the house ... and tidy with three small children.
6. The hall was very ... with over fifty people stuck into it.
7. If you keep trying, you might ... to do it.
8. He kept his job ... the manager had threatened to dismiss him.
9. In order to ... with his studies he worked through the summer.
10. We expected him at eight, but he finally ... at midnight.
11. Our company is a small organization with only a few ... .
12. The estate agent spent a ... deal of time trying to persuade me to buy the house.
13. When I learned to ski, I practiced on a slope that was not too ... .
14. Choose the best answer.
He was so tired that he ... asleep in the chair.
15. The hotel has been built on the ... of a lake.
16. The girl woke up crying because she had ... a nightmare.
17. I`m not sure ... the green coat is.
18. The shirt I wore that day was torn but I don`t think anyone ... .
19. The organizers decided to go ahead with the match ... the bad weather.
20. He is a little bit ... in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say.
21. The company has had a bad year and will therefore not be ... any new workers.
22. Write to me and tell me ... about your holiday in Switzerland.
23. ... experience of working in an office environment is essential for this job.
24. Before we start the lesson, I`d like to ... what we did yesterday.
25. I`ll be with you in ... .


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