Инглиз тилидан тест саволлари (Intermediate. Рart I) - Ta’lim / Образование

Инглиз тилидан тест саволлари (Intermediate. Рart I)

Инглиз тили дунёдаги энг кўп ишлатиладиган тиллар ичида 3-ўринда туради (Испан ҳамда хитой тиллардан кейин). Инглиз тили Европа Иттифоқининг асосий ҳамда БМТнинг 3та расмий иш юритиш тилларидан бири ҳисобланади, Буюк Британия, Ирландия, Шим. Америка, Австралия, Янги Зеландия, Осиё ва Африкадаги кўпгина мамлакатларда тарқалган. Бу тилда ер юзидаги 1 миллиарддан ортиқ киши гаплашади.

Инглиз тилидан онлайн тест ёрдамида ўз билимингизни синаб кўринг!


1. Spanish people usually speak ________ than English people.
2. Do you want some cheese? No, ________ .
3. In a shop ________ customers.
4. Can this camera ________ good photos?
5. Bill drinks ________ milk.
6. We expected about 20 girls but there were ________ people there.
7. A person who talks to ________ is not necessarily mad.
8. What time does the bus ________ Bradford?
9. Who was the first person ________ today?
10. I haven’t got a chair ________ .
11. Don’t leave your shoes on the table.
12. I can’t find the book ________ .
13. That old lady can’t stop me ________ the tennis match on my radio.
14. ________ from London to Edinburgh!
15. Your bicycle shouldn’t be in the house!
16. ________ at the moment, I’ll go to the shops.
17. ________ are very intelligent.
18. I’ll be 13 tomorrow, ________ ?
19. She ________ be Canadian because she’s got a British passport.
20. Setora likes going to the theatre and ________ .
21. “Our daughter ________”, they said.
22. Did you hear ________ Julie said?
23. When ________ English?
24. ________ in my class likes the teacher.
25. There was a house at ________ .


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