Инглиз тилидан тест саволлари (Elementary. Part II)

Ушбу сахифада инглиз тили фанидан тест саволларига жавоб бериб, ўзингизни синаб кўришингиз мумкин. Тестлар асосан мактаб дастуридан тузилган бўлиб, фойдаланувчи чизиқлар ўрнига керакли сўз ёки жумлаларни қўйиши талаб этилади. Ўз билимларингизни текшириб кўринг, омад сизга ёр бўлсин!



– Verb to be: am/is/are
Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her
Subject Pronouns – Plural nouns & Numbers

1. I’m _____ a class _____ eight other students.
2. “_____ is Brenda?”
“She’s Patrick’s wife.”
3. My teacher’s name _____ John.
4. This is the photo _____ my family.
5. “_____ Martha English?”
“Yes, she _____ .”
6. “_____ _____ is a hamburger and chips?”
“Three pounds fifty.”
7. “Is your elder brother married?”
“No, _____ .”
8. “Are you a student?”
“Yes, I _____ .”
9. “_____ you from Barcelona?”
“No, I’m not.”
10. It’s good practice _____ you.
11. I’m _____ La Guardia Community College.
12. “Is she American?”
“No, _____ .”
13. “Are you from Senegal?”
“No, _____ .”
14. Is your surname Anderson?
15. Brazil ____ in Asia. ____ in South America.
16. “_____ is his job?”
“He _____ a policeman.”
17. Marcus and Carlos _____ my brothers.
18. I live _____ an apartment _____ two American boys.
19. “Is your dog 2 years old?”
“Yes, _____ .”
20. “_____ her surname Smith?”
“No, it _____ .”
21. “____ their names Jack & Benny?”
“Yes, _____ .”
22. Central Park is lovely _____ the snow.
23. I’m _____ New York.
24. “_____ you married?”
“No, I _____ .”
25. He _____ from Argentina. He is _____ Mexico.


🔥23.7 K марта кўрилди

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